
Due to technical problems, the continuation of publication in this journal has been moved to the website below: 

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Editor In Chief: Marissa Yunita
First Publication: 2021 
Publisher: Multitech Publisher
Duration: Approx. 10 days to first decision
Acceptance Rate: 30% of the total submissions
Frequency: Monthly

DOI: 10.59890 by crossref 
E-ISSN: 3026-4685
WhatsApp & Email: +62 895 4154 35544 &

International Journal of Integrated Science and Technology (IJIST) is a scientific multidisciplinary research journal published by Multitech Publisher. The aim of this journal publication is to disseminate the research results, conceptual thoughts, improved research methodologies, and ideas that have been achieved in any area of research. The accepted articles are going to be published in the monthly publication. Any interested authors are required to submit their manuscripts in English. The mission of the International Journal of Integrated Science and Technology (IJIST) is to promote excellence by providing a venue for academics, students, and practitioners to publish current and significant empirical and conceptual research in the Enginering; health sciences; information technology; computer scince; religion; arts; business; humanities; applied, natural, and social sciences; and other areas that tests, extends, or builds theory. The International Journal of Integrated Science and Technology (IJIST) is a double-blind, peer reviewed, open access journal.

International Journal of Integrated Science and Technology has been widely indexed by:

1. Google Scholar, 2Dimensions, 3. Directory of Research Journals Indexing, 4.CrossRef, 5.Research Bible, 6. GARUDA, 7. BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine), 8. SCILIT, 9.WorldCat, 10. IUPUI Libraries, 11. Eurasian Scientific Journal Index (ESJI),12. Citefactor


Journal Directories and Listings:
1. Copernicus International (ICI World of Journals)


Current Issue

Vol. 2 No. 11 (2024): November 2024
Published: 2024-11-16


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