Forthcoming Article

Vol. 1 No. 1

1. Unlocking Student Creativity and Research Potential in Bangladesh: The Crucial Role of Policy Makers in Breaking Deadlocks

Author : Md. Alomgir Hossan, Md Amirul Islam, Murshida Khatun

2. Maintenance Management Damage Prevention on the Twin Shaft Concrete Mixer at PT. X

Author : Heru Winarno, Muhammad Rizaldi Fauzan Aprilianto

3. Why About Math?

Author : Torang Siregar

4. About the Math Performance in Stressful Situations

Author : Torang Siregar, Zainuddin Batubara, Risky Ardian, Awal Harahap

5. Research and Developing Mathematics Knowledge Child Development Perspectives, 2022

Author : Torang Siregar, Ahmad Arisman, Iskandarsyah, Risky Ardian, Awal Harahap

6. Six Big Losses Method for Management Maintenance on the Coal Feeder Machine PT Indonesia Power

Author : Mohamad Jihan Shofa, Heru Winarno, Hatami Zain, Faishal Ade Hermawan


Vol. 1 No. 2

1. Panelist Acceptance Level Based on Sensory Tests on Cakalang Fish Noodle Products

Author : Jufrin Pagune,  Asriani I. Laboko, Asniwati Zainuddin, Nurbanilah Ahaya

2. ChatGPT: a New Tool to Improve Teaching and Evaluation of Second and Foreign Languages a Review of ChatGPT: the Future of Education

Author : Zanyar Nathir Ghafar

3. Optimization of the Biodiesel Production via Heterogenous Catalyzed Transesterification of Neem Seed Oil using Response Surface Methodology (RSM)

Author : Adamu Zubairu Utono, Usman Rufai Fakai , Muhammad Inusa Babanladi

4. Public Perception of the Effectiveness of Public Administration Reforms in Bangladesh

Author : MD. Ariful Islam Siddique, Md Mainuddin

5. The Influence of Work Engagement on Turnover Intention Mediated by Job Satisfaction of Bakti Timah Medika Nurses

Author : Muchtadin, Zelvy Emmelya Sundary


Vol. 1 No. 3

1. Empowering Perspectives: Analyzing Gender Dynamics in International Politics

Author : Md Amirul Islam, Mahmudul Hassan, Kutub Uddin Ahmad, Md. Bayazid Hassan

2. Fighting against Climate Change: A Non- Traditional Security Threat and Adaptation Challenges in Bangladesh

Author : Kutub Uddin Ahmad, Md Amirul Islam

3. Comparative Study of Car Seat Sales During and Before the 0% PPNBM Policy During the Covid-19 Pandemic at PT

Author : Rochayati Febriarhamadini, Ricki Prima

4. Analysis of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction of Bank Central Asia, TBK (Case Study of KCP Mall Kelapa Gading III)

Author : Rochayati Febriarhamadini, Maidiana Krisnawati

5. Perceived Competence of Ground Staff in Dealing with Unruly Passenger  Behavior at Manila International Airport Authority Airports

Author : Oscar G. Abuan, PhD, Rhem Rick N. Corpuz, PhD, Renel P. Cruz, PhD, Edelito P. Deles, PhD

6. Effect of Receivable Turnover, Net Profit Margin and Cash Turnover Return on Assets at PT. Prime Papadaan

Author : Yudha Remofa, Ivalaina Astarina, Puspa Dewi,  Angga Hapsila , Gilang Ramadhan

7. Digital Transformation in Financial Management: Security and Efficiency

Author : Wulan Ayuandiani, Fausiah,Muhammad Mukhram, Nurul Listiawati, Indayani B

8. Analysis of Changes in Speaking Manners by Mixing Indonesian and English: A Case Study of Generation Z Teenagers

Author : Jatmiko Murdiono,  Ainayah Safira Fadillah

9. Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Developing Marketing Strategies

Author : Sri Handila Mirwan, Puti Lenggo Ginny, Dirmansyah Darwin, Rahmat Ghazali, Meldilianus N J Lenas

Vol. 1 No. 4

1. Determination of Sodium Sulfate Requirement for Obtaining Sodium Sulfide Content in Green Liquor at the Recovery Boiler Unit in PT XYZ North Sumatra

Author : Donda, Darni Paranita, Dimas Frananta Simatupang

2. Recommendations for the Use of Ozone Technology in Post-Harvest Handling to Improve Food Security

Author : Edward Gland Tetelepta, Melianus Salakory, Paisal Ansiska