Integrated Strategic Management for Drug Eradication: Insights from Undercover Buying Method at Mount Puyuh Police Substation


  • Hesri Mintawati Nusa Putra University, Sukabumi
  • Mulus Wijaya Kusuma Nusa Putra University, Sukabumi
  • Bonse Aris Mandala Putra Simamgunsong Nusa Putra University, Sukabumi
  • Wiwin Winarni Nusa Putra University, Sukabumi
  • Kohar Pradesa Nusa Putra University, Sukabumi
  • Eneng Rahmi Nusa Putra University, Sukabumi



Drug Eradication, Undercover Buying, Strategic Management, Law Enforcement, Community Policing


The relentless circulation of drugs within communities presents a pressing global challenge, necessitating precise eradication strategies. This study investigates the strategic management of drug eradication through the employment of the undercover buying method at the Mount Puyuh Police Substation. Drawing upon qualitative research methods including interviews, observations, and document analysis, this research delves into the integrated strategic management practices employed in combating drug abuse. Findings underscore the critical role of strategic management encompassing human resources, budgeting, and execution methods in the success of drug eradication operations. Through in-depth analysis, the effectiveness of the undercover buying method in gathering accurate intelligence and its impact on operational efficiency are elucidated. Discussion of these findings emphasizes the importance of integrated strategic management in drug eradication efforts, with practical implications including the development of more effective policies, targeted resource allocation, and enhanced public awareness campaigns. In conclusion, well-integrated strategic management holds the promise of achieving greater scale and effectiveness in drug eradication operations. The implications of this research highlight the ongoing need for refinement and advancement in sustainable drug eradication strategies


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How to Cite

Mintawati, H., Kusuma, M. W., Simamgunsong, B. A. M. P., Winarni, W., Pradesa, K., & Rahmi, E. (2024). Integrated Strategic Management for Drug Eradication: Insights from Undercover Buying Method at Mount Puyuh Police Substation. International Journal of Advanced Technology and Social Sciences, 2(3), 365–374.


