Editor in Chief: Marissa Yunita
Publisher: Multitech Publisher
Duration: Approx. 12 days to the first decision
Frequency: January and July
E-ISSN: 3032-6028
DOI Prefix: 10.59890 by Crossref
WhatsApp: +62 895 4154 35544
International Journal of Economics, Business Management and Accounting (IJEBMA) is a research journal in the discipline of economics, business, management, information management, and accounting which is aimed to contribute to a novelty or state-of-the-art academic development or real-world business applications or both. This journal encompasses original research articles, including Economics, Business, management, Accounting, Finance, Behavioral Accounting, Accounting Management, information management, business Ethics, and entrepreneurship. IJEBMA is published by Multitech Publisher twice a year (January and July).
1. Google Scholar, 2. Semantic Scholar, 3. Directory of Research Journals Indexing, 4.CrossRef, 5. Research Bible, 6. GARUDA, 7. BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine), 8.Citefactor, 9.Eurasian Scientific journal Index

Current Issue
Qualitative Insights Into Consumer Satisfaction Strategies at Padma Hotel Semarang: The Role of Facilities and Services
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The Role of Collaborative Work Culture in Enhancing Teacher Effectiveness in SMK Negeri 1 Pabelan
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The Role of Hybrid Work Arrangements in Enhancing Employee Productivity
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Artificial Intelligence in Islamic Financial Institutions in Indonesia: A Systematic Literature Review
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The Significance of Leadership Style, Organizational Culture and Organizational Citizenship Behavior on Employee Performance: A Quantitative Approach with a Descriptive Method at PT Tunas Digital Indonesia
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Analysis of Financial Management to Enhance Profitability in Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)
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China's Economic Transformation Strategy: A Model for Papua New Guinea Development
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Enhancing Government Effectiveness: Human Resource Development in Village Administration
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