Khalaf Islamic Boarding School Education Pattern Based on the Value of Thobiat Luhur Character in Islamic Boarding Schools Nurul Huda Lampung
Character Education, Thobiat LuhurAbstract
This study aims to find out the pattern of khalaf Islamic
boarding school education based on the value of noble
thobiat character, the impact of the implementation of
character education based on noble thobiat and the
strategies carried out by the Nurul Huda Lampung
Islamic Boarding School in facing the development of the
times related to the formation of student character. The
data validity technique uses triangulation. The results of
the study show that: 1) the pattern of khalaf pesantren
education based on the value of noble thobiat character
collaborates with formal schools that are integrated with
the Nurul Huda Lampung Islamic Boarding School,
namely junior high school, high school and vocational
school Tri Sukses. The pattern of character development
of students is carried out in stages which are divided into
two categories, namely regular classes and intensive
classes. Regular classes will receive general coaching,
while intensive classes will receive special assistance. 2)
The impact of this noble Thobiat character education is
felt directly by the students. The student who became an
informant said that there were many character changes
in the good direction while studying at the boarding
school. In addition to the students, the good impact is
also felt by the surrounding community and even the
surrounding community also practices noble thobiat in
daily life. 3) The strategy carried out by the Nurul Huda
Islamic Boarding School in facing the changing times is
to always adapt. In addition to utilizing information
technology, it also develops the independence of
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