Fatherless Family Communication in Patriarchal Culture
This fatherless phenomenon is a phenomenon that is currently occurring in Indonesia, especially Lamongan, where there is still a strong patriarchal culture. Where the existence of a patriarchal culture can give rise to a negative stigma in society. Therefore, researchers want to examine the public stigma towards fatherless families in family communication and the dynamics of relationships between family members. The phenomenon of fatherlessness itself, where there is no father figure in family life, of course, conflicts with the important role of fathers in the social structure, as head of the household, protector, and main breadwinner. This research aims to analyze the implications of society's stigma against fatherless families in communicating within the family as well as how this affects the dynamics of relationships between family members and identify how fatherless family members adjust to the absence of a father in the patriarchal culture that dominates society. In this research, researchers used qualitative methods with a phenomenological approach. Data collection techniques were carried out through interviews and in-depth observation. The results shown in this research show that society's negative stigma towards fatherless families in Lamongan has a significant impact on communication within these families. Findings show that in fatherless families, cohesion is at a detached level with family members being very independent, resulting in a lack of sense of belonging and loyalty. Mothers from fatherless families often take on multiple roles, which creates an imbalance within the family. Meanwhile, the father is seen as a passive figure and does not care much about the family
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