Synergy of Tri Hita Karana with Islamic Principles Oriented Towards the Socio-Cultural Life of the Jembrana Community
Synergy, Tri Hita Karana, the Life of the Jembrana Community and CulturalAbstract
This study investigates the ways in which Islamic religious concepts and the Tri Hita Karana (THK) idea work together, especially in sociocultural contexts. The study's goals are to: (1) investigate how THK and Islamic principles can work together to support sociocultural life; (2) analyze how this synergy affects community existence; (3) pinpoint the difficulties encountered when attempting to align THK with Islamic principles; and (4) suggest appropriate solutions to address these difficulties. The Tri Hita Karana's synergy with Islamic principles and the sociocultural backdrop of the Jembrana community are the main topics of the literature study research approach. Data was gathered by exchanging offline and online references, including books, articles, and journals. The following are the study's findings: (1) The concept of Tri Hita Karana in Hinduism synergizes with the concept of Islam, a community that is devoted to God, peaceful and harmonious with others, and aware of environmental sustainability; (2) The Synergy of THK with Islamic Religious Principles Oriented to Socio-Cultural Life towards the Existence of the Jembrana Community strengthens the positive social values that can enhance the quality of life of the Jembrana community; (3) the main challenges in Synergizing the Concept of THK with Islamic Religious Teachings are the persistent stereotypes and deeply ingrained prejudices within the community, differences in religious and cultural values understandings and interpretations, economic disparities, a lack of government support in terms of policies that encourage interfaith cooperation, insufficient education and socialization on the importance of synergy between the Tri Hita Karana and the Islamic principles; and (4) The most effective solution for achieving sustainable synergy is the commitment and cooperation of all parties to foster a more peaceful and harmonious society
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Copyright (c) 2024 Wifqi Rahmi , Hendra Sidratul Azis, Ismail Nasar, Made Sutaja
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