Application of Jerome Bruner's Learning Theory in Learning Mathematics in Elementary School


  • Mikaus Gombo Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha



Bruner’s Theory, Learning of Mathematics, Addition and Subtraction


The purpose of this study is to characterize how Bruner's Theory of Mathematics Learning is implemented in the 2023–2024 school year at the Tega Green School of Papua, located in the Wolo District of the Jayawijaya Regence, Papua Pegunungan Province. The success and challenges of applying Bruner's theory to learning are another objective of this study. Applying Bruner's Theory will make learning more dynamic, efficient, and proficient. The use of Bruner theory to first-grade mathematics instruction at Tega Green School in Papua has piqued the curiosity of researchers. This study is a qualitative descriptive study. The subject or object in the school is the focus of the researcher's investigation. The researcher uses documentation, observation, and interviews to discuss the data. The findings of this study indicate that teachers can apply Bruner's theory, which identifies three shapes—enactive, iconic, and symbolic—in the classroom. This approach is only effective for a year. As a result, teachers may help kids become more creative and increase their comprehension and counting skills


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How to Cite

Gombo, M. (2024). Application of Jerome Bruner’s Learning Theory in Learning Mathematics in Elementary School. International Journal of Sustainable Social Science (IJSSS), 2(5), 335–342.