Protein Metabolism Lectures with Sustainability-Based to Improve Analytical Thinking Skill in Students of Biology Education


  • Eny Hartadiyati WH Universitas PGRI Semarng
  • Fibria Kaswinarni Universitas PGRI Semarang
  • Atip Nurwahyunani Universitas PGRI Semarang



Analythic Thinking, Lectures with Sustainable-Based, Protein Metabolism


This study aims to analyze the effect of sustainability- based protein metabolism lectures on the analytical thinking skills of students in the Biology Education department. This experimental research involved 30 Biology Education students from Universitas PGRI Semarang who took the Biochemistry course during the 2023-2024 odd semester. The treatment is sustainability-based protein metabolism lectures carried out for 4 meetings. The data obtained were analyzed using quantitative methods. The average grades for the distinguishing, organizing, and attributing indicators were 82.00, 81.55, and 81.00, respectively. In general, the average grades of students' analytical thinking skills in the post-test of 81.52 is higher than the pre-test grades of 71.58. This is confirmed by the T-dependent test that there is a significant difference in the pre-test and post-test grades (p <0.05). Additionally, the N-gain test indicated a 4.2% increase, placing it in the moderate category. Students' analytical thinking abilities in protein metabolism material are described as follows: in the distinguishing indicator, students recognize and differentiate well. However, errors began to occur in the organizing indicators, and even in the attribution indicators, students experienced difficulties


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How to Cite

Hartadiyati WH, E., Kaswinarni, F., & Atip Nurwahyunani. (2024). Protein Metabolism Lectures with Sustainability-Based to Improve Analytical Thinking Skill in Students of Biology Education . International Journal of Sustainable Social Science (IJSSS), 2(4), 247–260.


